Hello people!

In the next blog, as the title tells us, I will talk about the possible changes that I would make in my current study program. Although, I consider many branches that are in it relevant, there are many that I think do not have greater depth and others that should not be in the program.

Actually I am currently studying social work and in my second year. I am not satisfied with most of the subjects that we have taken so far because most only focus on theoretical frameworks and nothing practical, I think it would be ideal, to have in the first years a subject where we have the space to learn and develop. skills that we will actually use in the practical world of social work, as I think it would further enhance our discipline.

According to the academic load, I believe that the university together with the student center has provided feasible solutions that have allowed us to have proportional academic loads, in the sense that we no longer deliver the same number of exams that we did before, it has also decreased the number of texts that are read and with it the time we have to answer a test.

However, I believe that in many other cases there may be very intense academic burdens for colleagues who face other types of social, work, family situations, etc. 

Finally in relation to the infrastructure of the university, I don't have much to say, because I've never been there.

Thank you!


  1. I agree. this year have been rough and very hard for us students

  2. Totally, I feel we should be taught more practice than so much theory :(, it's also been a difficult few years.

  3. I would also like to have subjects that are related to field work :((

  4. I'm agree. We should have more practical things to do!

  5. I FEEL THE SAME! A lot of theory and no practice :( I hope one day I can do it

  6. hello! hopefully we can soon have a subject that focuses on practice because it is too important to form good professionals, I think it should be a balance between the theoretical framework and the practice.


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