English Language Challenges

 Hello colleagues, today I come to talk about my English language challenges. I think it has not been the best but not the worst either. This year I have learned things that for a long time I did not learn. There are times when I think that it is not so difficult because it is not difficult to write and pronounce, but there always comes a time when I renege on everything I said before because it becomes very difficult to learn English.

According to the use of blogs I think they are effective, they allow you to polish what you have learned and the writing, but I think that in a way they are incomplete because they leave out pronunciation. While I think I need to improve my pronunciation, I think what I need to improve the most is the correct use of words and the grammar of the language. And in that regard I plan to do so by watching YouTube videos on grammar, trying to summarize texts in English, and listening to music and watching movies in English.

Outside of class, to be honest, I don't use English much at the moment, as time is very scarce, studying for my other subjects, reading, taking exams, working in my parents' store and also baking cakes with my sister. I feel that I have had very little time to concentrate and dedicate time to English. But I plan to do it so I can talk to my friends in English and teach my sister.


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